Songs All Sagittarius’ Can Relate to

It’s Sagittarius season! Sagittarius are born between November 23rd and December 21stt. Sagittarians are optimistic, lovers of freedom, hilarious, fair-minded, honest, and intellectual. They are spontaneous and fun, usually with a lot of friends, and are perhaps the best conversationalists in the zodiac. Sagittarius is also the final fire sign of the Zodiac, and the sign is also one of four mutable signs because Sagittarius is a mutable fire – meaning that the fire traits in Sagittarius spread flow, and change. Check out some of these awesome songs that almost every Sagittarius can relate to some aspect of their lives or personalities.

“Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys

This song is perfect for the Sagittarius — their element is fire, and also Katniss Everdeen, the Girl on Fire, is an archer herself.

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want” by The Rolling Stones

This song is super Sagittarian. Not only is Keith Richards a Sag himself — he was born on December 18th — but Sagittarians often strive for so many things. And, because of their optimistic nature, they often struggle with the disappointment that “you can’t always get what you want.”

“Lover” by Taylor Swift

Who else could possibly start off a Sagittarius playlist but the goddess Taylor Swift herself? Born Dec. 13, Swift is the perfect example of a true Sagittarian: honest through her lyrics, independent, optimistic, and not scared of change. Apart from that, her latest album, Lover, is basically the best ever, so there’s that!

“Rich Girl” by Gwen Stefani

One of the bad qualities of Sagittarius is that they can be quite snobby and superficial. For all their optimism and ambition, they can aspire for material wealth and tend to show off their accomplishments.

“Slide Away” by Miley Cyrus

Ah, what better song to symbolize the best qualities of this star sign, aka honesty and rawness? Cyrus, born Nov. 23, penned this song after her much-talked-about separation from Liam Hemsworth, and honestly, it’s so beautiful.

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