Must Watch Halloween Movies

It’s almost that time of year again. The time when temperatures finally begin to dip toward something a little more bearable. The time of year when thoughts turn to all things wonderfully Fall. Which means, Halloween will soon be here! For some of us, that also means binge watching all of our favorite scary movies and Halloween themed go to flicks. Whether you’re a die hard horror film fan, or just someone who likes to watch them around Halloween to get in the festive spirit, we’ve got the list for you. Check out our top picks for must watch Halloween movies.

Best Slasher Flick

Halloween (1978)

When it comes to horror films, there’s no denying that there are a few names that have scared people for generations. We’re talking Freddy Krueger, Jason, and of course, Michael Myers, Sure, the Nightmare on Elm Street series has its moments. A horribly burned man who haunts your dreams and has knives for hands? Yeap, that’s creepy. Friday the 13th could also be a fright. Those movies pretty much destroyed the allure of summer camp for many a kid. But, Halloween was always just a little bit more scary. Maybe it’s because it seemed slightly more plausible than the others. Michael Myers didn’t have to say a single word to be one of the most terrifying characters in all of film. Though there have been plenty of Halloween movies, and several reboots, the original is still the best.

Best Comedic Horror Film

Shaun of the Dead

If you aren’t a huge fan of super scary Halloween movies, you should give this one a try. It’s got a little horror, a little gore, and a lot of laughs. It’s also really surprisingly touching in parts. Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland are both films that really got the horror/comedy hybrid film right. Yeah, there are a few jump scares that might get you. But, there’s nothing here that is going to make you afraid to go to sleep tonight. Also, in an era where the whole “zombie” thing has kind of saturated the market, these are still great films.

Best Childhood Nostalgia Halloween Movie

Hocus Pocus

If you describe the general plot of Hocus Pocus, it actually sounds like a really scary movie. Three sisters once hung for sucking the souls out of children to keep themselves young and beautiful return from the dead. Sounds pretty dire. However, this Halloween time family favorite is on many a viewing list come this time of year. It certainly doesn’t hurt that even though the Sanderson sisters are as evil as they come, they’re also amusing as heck to watch. If you haven’t seen this yet, you should.

Best Chilling Halloween Movie

The Shining (1980)

A lot of Stephen King novels have been turned into movies and/or TV shows. Some have been done expertly. This is one of those films. The Shining is one of those movies that is pretty much the epitome of what a well rounded horror movie should be. It’s just as much psychological as it is supernatural. Plus, Jack Nicholson is just the absolute epitome of creepy in this film. The movie is full of iconic scenes that have pretty much helped define the horror genre as a whole.

Best Vampire Movie

What We Do In the Shadows

Alright, so, this isn’t exactly a scary one. But it is laugh out loud funny. You could certainly go the more traditional route. You could queue up Bram Stoker’s Dracula, or even Interview With the Vampire, and you would have some very worthy vampire related Halloween movie fodder. But, What We Do In the Shadows is a perfect pick for if you want to keep things light. It’s smart, it’s hilarious, and it references some of our favorite vampire flicks from over the years. The vampires here play hosts to a film crew who is documenting their lives. The vamps are more bumbling and inept than powerful and threatening. There’s even a series now, inspired by the movie, that you can catch on Hulu. It’s also hilarious.


Omaya Michelle

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