Netflix Top 5: Shows for the Ladies

Are you having a sleepover with your girlfriends and can’t find anything to binge-watch? This list of iconic series are all available on Netflix and are perfect for a girls’ night in! From dramas and murder mysteries to true love and romance, we guarantee this list has got you covered with the best of the best shows for all you Netflix lovin’ ladies. Check them out!

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl – every female millennial’s ultimate favorite drama to binge-watch! If you’ve already seen this renowned series, there is definitely no harm in re-watching it with your girls! From high school drama to anonymous scandals that are destroying the reputation of the students at Upper East Side School, you better watch out for what comes next! – xoxo, Gossip Girl. 

Pretty Little Liars

Got a secret – can you keep it? Just kidding! There is no secret that Pretty Little Liars is one of the best female drama-mystery shows out there. When Aria, Emily, Spencer, and Hannah start getting taunted by text messages signed with the letter ‘A’, they start to believe it’s their mischievous missing friend Alisson DeLaurentis messing with them from beyond the grave – or, is she still alive? Watch and find out!


We absolutely love Disney’s Debbie Ryan in this Netflix series, Insatiable. After being arrested, Patty returns to high school with an incredible weight loss transformation, shocking her classmates. Through this, she meets her high-school crush’s father who directs pageant queens, but the beautiful life of a pageant girl is not at all what it seems, especially with the intensity and drama of it all. It’s so crazy it could even lead to murder!

Jane the Virgin

When Jane, a normal Hispanic girl working as a bartender at a hotel gets artificially inseminated at her yearly gynecologist checkup, her life turns upside down! Growing up watching telenovelas, she can’t help but think her life has turned into one. From meeting her father to being stuck in a love triangle, getting pregnant, and losing her first love, Jane the Virgin is the epitome of an iconic female drama series.

Dare Me

Last but not least, we have one of Netflix’s newest series ‘Dare Me’. A story revolving around a group of high school cheerleaders, ‘Dare Me’ is an unflinching exploration of volatile female friendships, jealousy, loyalty and the dynamics of power in a small Midwestern town. But what happens when these toxic traits are practiced by the one person this group of cheerleaders looks up to the most? Their coach.


Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic