Most Commonly Misheard Song Lyrics

Everyone’s a singer somewhere. For some of us, it’s in the shower or while we’re driving. For others of us, we indulge our inner rock star while we’re cooking, doing chores, or getting ready. The bravest among us might even delight in a bit of karaoke from time to time. With the sheer amount of music out there, it’s safe to say none of us know all the lyrics to every song. But, what about the tunes we love the most?

Sometimes, even when we think we know every single word, we don’t. In fact, there are quite a few very popular hits out there that many people have been singing just a wee bit inaccurately. Misheard song lyrics are totally a thing, and some songs have had people belting out the wrong lyrics for ages. Check out our list of the most commonly misheard song lyrics and see how many you’ve been heard wrong.

Credence Clearwater Revival: “Bad Moon Rising”

CCR was a rock band that enjoyed the height of their success in the 1960’s and 70’s. But, they were also one of those classic rock groups that had staying power. Their music has been used in many popular films. If you’ve ever seen Forrest Gump, you’ve heard CCR. The group pumped out a lot of hits, but “Bad Moon Rising” is the song which features some of the most commonly misheard song lyrics of all time.

Actual Lyrics: “There’s a bad moon on the rise”

Misheard Lyrics: “There’s a bathroom on the right”

Listen For Yourself:

Queen: “We Will Rock You”

Freddie Mercury and crew made some incredible music. Mercury himself was always a force to be reckoned with, and ever the consummate performer. His passion, voice, and lyrics continue to rock generations of people to this day. “We Will Rock You” will likely still have feet stomping across the globe, even after we’re gone. But, this amazing rock anthem also contains some of the most commonly misheard song lyrics ever. Freddie def wasn’t into animal cruelty.

Actual Lyrics: “Kickin’ your can all over the place”

Misheard Lyrics: Kickin’ your cat all over the place”

Listen For Yourself: 

Jimi Hendrix: “Purple Haze”

Jimi Hendrix was a guitar god. Full stop. There’s no other way to really describe this virtuoso. But, his music catalog definitely contains an entry that tons of people have misheard over the years. You know, the heart wants what the heart wants.

Actual Lyrics: “Excuse me, while I kiss the sky”

Misheard Lyrics: “Excuse me, while I kiss this guy”

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Lil Nas X: “Old Town Road”

For awhile this year, there was seemingly no escaping this hit. The collaboration between rapper Lil Nas X and country singer Billy Ray Cyrus was as contagious as the common cold. Even with its being everywhere, that didn’t stop some of the lyrics from being completely misheard. In fact, it’s so misunderstood that there are around 160 million search results for the wrong lyrics on Google.

Actual Lyrics: “Take my horse to the old town road”

Misheard Lyrics: “Take my horse to a hotel room”

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Selena Gomez: “Good For You”

Yes,we all know that vegetables are good for you. We also know that normal bodily functions are nothing to be ashamed of. But, when it comes to the misheard lyrics from Ms Gomez’s hit song, well, it all is kind of a laughing matter.

Actual Lyrics: “I’m 14 carats”

Misheard Lyrics: “I’m farting carrots”

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Basically Any Pearl Jam Song

Eddie Vedder may be music royalty, but if you can accurately tell us what in the flaming hell he’s saying in most of his songs, we’ll buy you that pony you always wanted.

Actual Lyrics: We couldn’t tell you. Google is probably even wrong.

Misheard Lyrics: Almost all of them

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Omaya Michelle

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