One Hit Wonders Of The 90’s

Ever notice how the older you get, the more nostalgic you get for the music of your youth? It’s weird because they 90’s don’t feel like they were that long ago. But, we’re in 2020 now friends. That means 1990 was 30 years ago. Yeah, let that sink in for a moment. Breathe. Okay, you good? Good. Anyway, the 90’s had some really great music. Some of the artists that started out, or generally had success in that decade, are still around and producing hits. Others, not so much. In this list, we take a look back at some of the one hit wonders of the 90’s. Fair warning, these are probably going to get stuck in your head.

Closing Time” by Semisonic (1998)

If you’re a fan of the US version of The Office, you probably at least know this song as Andy’s end of the business day song. Otherwise, you might remember it because, well, it was everywhere. Try to go to a wedding, party, school dance, or graduation in the late 90’s and escape this song. To this day, it still crops up every now and again when you least expect it. And yeah, everyone still knows the words (unlike Pam).

I’ll Be There For You” by The Rembrandts (1995)

They may take their name from a famous artist, but this group hit the peak of their fame in the mid-90’s. If the names Rachel, Joey, and Monica ring a bell, then you know where you’ve heard this song. Friends was a hit, and so was this song. The cast even appeared in the music video. Sadly for the Rembrandts, they didn’t enjoy the same longevity when it comes to popularity as the show did. This song was the 90’s one hit wonder’s only hit.

No Rain” by Blind Melon (1992)

Blind Melon was an interesting group, with an interesting look, and an interesting sound. It was alternative-ish, but with an almost psychedelic-pop undertone. This is one of those cases where the music video was just as popular as the song. If you’ve ever heard of “The Bee Girl” this is that video. The video is sweet, and still sticks with a lot of people. Sadly, the lead singer of Blind Melon died young from a drug overdose. Otherwise, the group would likely not be one hit wonders at all.

Bitter Sweet Symphony” The Verve (1997)

The Verve were a well respected rock back and enjoyed quite a bit of success in their native England. However, internationally speaking, they were definitely a one hit wonder. But, what a hit it was. “Bitter Sweet Symphony” captivated listeners the world over with its sweeping orchestral interludes and solid vocals. There was also the whole legal scuffle with The Rolling Stones about a sampling issue. It’s a great 90’s anthem, and a fabulous piece of music regardless of The Verve’s 90’s one hit wonder status.

Baby Got Back” by Sir Mix-A-Lot (1992)

Sir Mix-A-Lot was all about being body positive before it was cool. He even went so far as to write a song about his love of a generous posterior. He lauded the virtues of ladies who weren’t stick thin. Positive message and all, the song is really amusing. It will also get you up out of your chair. Or at least, bobbing your head at your desk. Plus, we have this song to thank for the iconic line: “, Becky. Look at her butt!”. Ah, memories.


Omaya Michelle

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