Girls’ Night in Activities

Nowadays with the rise of social media – girls’ nights in don’t seem as fun anymore. Do you ever feel like it just gets too quiet because everyone is on their phones doing their own thing? Don’t worry! We have some great Girls’ night in activities for you where you can still use your phones but also spend some time bonding with your girlfriends. Keep reading to find out what they are!

Look Through Old Pictures

Whether you and your girlfriends have been friends for ages, or just recently started hanging out, sharing memories and stories from the past can bring you together and leave you in a fit of giggles at how crazy you were when you were younger, and in this day and age – you can even look through your phones, Instagram, and Snapchat memories – so, videos too!

Watch a Murder Mystery

Yes, a murder mystery – because just because we’re girls – does not mean we have to throw on a chick flick! Throw on a great movie and get under the covers – nothing’s better than ending the night with a movie and falling asleep on the couch with your best friends.

Make Smoothies

You need something to sip on while you’re watching a movie – and what better way to quench your thirst on a good summer’s night in with your gal pals than to make some tropical smoothies? If you want to spice it up a little – you can even, make midnight mimosas too – people love food pictures on their social media stories!

Spa Night

You knew this one was coming! Throw on some facemasks and get your mani-pedis done for free and by your best friends. Spa night selfies make awesome Instagram pictures too – so why not get a photo opt of your relaxation session?

Board Game Marathon


When was the last time you finished a game of Monopoly – um, never, right? Take a trip down memory lane and play all the games of your childhood. From Guess Who? To Snakes and Ladders, to Cluedo, and even twister! You’re never too old to play a good board game – even if it involves stretching on top of each other and falling onto the floor – We’ll bet those will make hilarious Snapchat memories


Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic