2 Easy Mediterranean Dishes

The Mediterranean area spans over a large geographical zone which gives the region a wide variety of cultures with distinct cuisines. Due to its moderate climate, and the presence of different geological and natural environments, the Mediterranean crops and produce vary in a fascinating way. Starting from the beautiful olive trees to the tangy citrus fields reaching to the abundant greens and the tasty sweet fruits.

I will be taking you into a small Mediterranean tour to uncover three of the delicacies of this wonderfully rich area and I will introduce you to 3 easy and authentic recipes.

Our first stop will be in the captivating eastern coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. This means the home of some of the oldest civilizations on earth: Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Egypt.

Olive Roll (enough for 8 people)

2 Easy Mediterranean Dishes - The Modern East

This dish is your best option for an authentic appetizer giving your guests a taste of the gems of the Mediterranean crops!


  • For the dough:
    • 3 cups all-purpose flour
    • ½ cup to ¾ cup fresh orange juice
    • ¼ cup vegetable oil
    • ¼ cup olive oil
    • 1 tablespoon Baking Powder
    • A pinch of salt
    • 1 egg yolk to brush the crust
    • A pinch of sesame seeds for garnish
  • For the filling:
    • 2 cups seedless black sliced olives
    • 1 tablespoon dried mint
    • A handful of chopped thyme leaves
    • 2 big red onions cut julienne style
    • ½ teaspoon dried paprika
    • Salt and pepper to taste


Mix the ingredients of the dough starting with the dry ingredients and adding the wet ingredients in the electric mixer until the dough gathers in one side of the mixer. If not, add an ¼ cup of orange juice. Once the dough is consistent, cover with a plastic wrap and leave on the side to rest (10 to 20 minutes).

Meanwhile, mix all the ingredients of the filling in a bowl and season it to taste.

Once the dough is ready, sprinkle your table with a little bit of flour and roll the dough into a big rectangle. The dough should not be more that 2cm thick.

Spread the filling over the dough and start rolling and pulling towards you while rolling until you get a baguette-shaped dough. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle the sesame seeds then put it in a non-stick pan in a pre-heated oven on 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius) until the crust gets a nice golden color (approximately 30 minutes).

Take it out of the oven and leave it to cool. Cut in slices and serve as an appetizer.

2 Easy Mediterranean Dishes - The Modern East

‘Kawaj’ or Mixed Vegetables in the Oven: (enough for 6 people)

2 Easy Mediterranean Dishes - The Modern East

This dish is a heartwarming dish for all those veggie lovers!


    • 1 kg small zucchini cut into big cubes (the small Mediterranean size called also Marrow or ‘Koussa’)
    • 1 big eggplant cut into big cubes
    • ½ kg potatoes peeled and cut into big cubes
    • 3 to 4 tomatoes peeled and cut into cubes
    • 2 big onions cut into big cubes
    • 300 g of low-fat boiled meat cubes (optional)
    • 1 ½ tea spoon salt
    • 1 ½ tea spoon mixed 7 spices
    • ½ spoon dried paprika
    • 3 table spoons tomato paste
    • 2 cups of water
    • ½ cup olive oil


In a non-stick oven pan, mix all the vegetables (and meat if you opt for the non-vegetarian option). Add all the spices and the olive oil and mix them all together. I personally put on my latex gloves and massage them to make sure that all the spices and oil are evenly distributed.

In a separate bowl, mix the water and the tomato paste until it forms a consistent red sauce. Pour the sauce in, give the veggies and little mix and cover the pan with aluminum foil.

Put it in the oven on 350 degrees Fahrenheit (or 180 degrees Celsius) until the veggies are soft (around 40 minutes). You can serve with white rice or Arabic bread.

Sahtein! (Enjoy!)

2 Easy Mediterranean Dishes - The Modern East

Image Courtesy // CookPad

Banner Art Inspo // Johan Gerrits

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