Signs Sagittarius’ Aren’t Compatible with at ALL

Its Sagittarius season! Sagittarius are born between October 23rd and November 21st. Sagittarians are optimistic, lovers of freedom, hilarious, fair-minded, honest, and intellectual. They are spontaneous and fun, usually with a lot of friends, and are perhaps the best conversationalists in the zodiac. Sagittarius is also the final fire sign of the Zodiac, and the sign is also one of four mutable signs because Sagittarius is a mutable fire – meaning that the fire traits in Sagittarius spread flow, and change. For today’s Zodiac feature we, at the Modern East have compiled a list of signs that Sagittarius’ aren’t compatible with at ALL. Keep reading to find out what they are!


You’re able to make friends with virtually anyone, Sagittarius, but being pals with Taurus can be quite a challenge. The two of you have very different needs and wants. For instance, you want to explore the world, while the Bull wants to stick to familiar places. You couldn’t care less about material goods, while Taurus is passionate about their possessions. You’re extremely flexible, whereas your pal is notoriously stubborn.


This is an intriguing friendship, to say the least. Your life is an open book, while Scorpio’s is a locked diary. You’re always skipping down the sunny side of the street, whereas Scorpio is constantly lurking in the shadows. You see the world as friendly, while Scorpio views it as hostile.


Maintaining a friendship with Pisces can be something of a challenge. This friend is looking for a support system, while you cherish your independence. Pisces starts to cry at the first hint of unpleasantness, whereas you’re brutally honest. The Fish prefers to sit still and dream, while you want to keep moving.


Forming a friendship with Virgo is something of a challenge for you. After all, you’re always looking at the big picture, while the Virgin is constantly focusing on the little details. You’re totally laid back, while your pal is a bit uptight. You’re free wheeling, whereas Virgo is cautious. The one thing you do have in common is honesty. Virgo is one of the few friends who will appreciate it when you give them an unfiltered opinion!

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