Inspirational Must-Listen-To Podcasts

Podcasts – probably one of the most underrated forms of media we have today. You can listen to a podcast while driving, exercising, running your errands, or even if you just feel like popping your headphones in before you go to sleep. There are currently over 850,000 existing podcasts that you can find online. From comedy to crime, to romance, docuseries, and more – it is a whole new world for you to delve into and discover. For today, The Modern East has come up with a list of inspirational must-listen-to podcasts for you to enjoy and uplift you. Keep reading to find out just what they are so you can tune in to the next episode!

The Happier Podcast

If you’ve ever wanted to create more happiness in your life, then The Happier Podcast is for you. Host, Gretchen Rubin, examines daily habits and the role they play in the overall quality of your life. From work and friendships to productivity and creativity, Rubin uses humor and human nature to deliver simple tips that can help you live a happier life.

Inspire Nation

Michael Sandler and Jessica Lee host this podcast to help you become healthier, more successful, and happier. New episodes are released nearly every day and usually last between 1 – 1.5 hours. They feature motivational speakers, health experts, athletes, and regular, everyday people. The messages are a mixture of personal stories as well as useful techniques you can use to overcome obstacles and live a healthier, happier life.


If hitting the gym is your “go-to” when stress levels rise, then Emily Abbate’s fitness podcast, Hurdle, is for you. Appropriately named, Abbate features people facing hurdles or challenges in life, like, we all do, but with a focus on how they integrate wellness into their routines as an outlet for stress and anxiety. What makes this podcast one of the best, is Abbate’s unique ability to keeps things real while pushing forward, which is not always easy to find in the fitness world.


This weekly podcast from the UK’s Kathryn Bryant and Julian Illman provides interviews, tools, and techniques to make positive changes in your life by managing your mind. The podcast lasts 30 – 45 minutes, on average, and covers techniques to help you develop better habits, improve your physical health, improve mind management, cultivate self-love, set goals, and more.


Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic