Riyadh-Born Photographer’s Photos for Saudi National Day with Farfetch

Just in time for Saudi National Day, Ryadh-based creative, photographer, and Farfetch Community member, Hayat Osamah, showcases must-have accessories featuring her siblings! The Riyadh born and bred fashion photographer and director picked up the photography at the age of 16 and is a self-taught creative prodigy.

A real family affair, this photo series features Hayat’s siblings, Anoud and Majid, and was based on experimenting with color and exploring the process behind truly expressing oneself freely. A unique perspective on the artistic community of Saudi Arabia, these images highlight the wide range of diverse and experimental talent developing in the Kingdom.

From bright colors to true artistry, Hayat photographs her subjects from a never-before-seen angle whilst entertaining the idea of diversity and artistry in the Saudi Arabian culture both through the art of fashion and photography.

Find these pieces only on Farfetch.com.


Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic