Spotlight On: Fredagsmys

I’ve recently come across a very surprising tradition that’s been trending on social media. If you’re looking for your next Thursday night plan you’ll be interested to read about the below.

Fredagsmys is a Scandinavian term that encapsulates a very tasty (yes, tasty!) version of ‘hygge.’ 

Fredagsmys literally means ‘Friday coziness’ or ‘Cozy Friday.’ So as the name suggests, it’s a Friday evening ritual. Yes, it can only take place on Friday in Norway but we can always make our very own Thursday version! The ritual consists of enjoying a taco dinner then getting cozy on the sofa to watch TV and feast on an assortment of crisps and sweets until you fall asleep (literally!).

The crisps must be accompanied by dip and the sweets must be varied (combination of candy and chocolate) and displayed in different bowls so everyone can choose their favorites. It’s really all about pick and mix.

This ritual works just as well when you’re on your own or with friends. Imagine getting all cozy on the couch with your closest friends and eating to the point of passing out… It’s obvious that it’s all about the company and the food and definitely not the day to diet. Although if you really must, they don’t frown upon switching the crisps for vegetable sticks (think cucumbers, carrots…) as long as they’re still crunchy.

Doesn’t that sound like the perfect Thursday night plan? And if this already was your Thursday night plan, you can now enjoy it even more knowing that the Scandis do it! #noguilt

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