Best Workout Videos to Help Improve Posture

Did you know that Sitting and standing with proper postural alignment will allow one to work more efficiently with less fatigue and strain on your body’s ligaments and muscles? Being aware of good posture is the first step to breaking old poor postural habits and reducing stress and strain on your spine. If you often feel yourself slouching and straining your back while sitting and working or even around your friends and family, you may want to try out some of these exercises!

Fix Rounded Shoulders

Watch this video on ‘Athlean-XX for Women’ and learn how to improve your posture by fixing rounded shoulders due to slouching or possibly having a heavier bust line.

Perfect Posture

Join Caroline Jordan through her 8-minute, perfect posture, workout video for an effective and corrective exercise that will benefit your posture in the long run.

Fitness Blender

If you haven’t heard of Fitness Blender have you ever even been on the workout side of YouTube. This account has over 6 million followers and some of the best interactive workout videos on the platform. Follow this workout for better posture and you’ll be looking great in no time.

Modern East TV

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