Make the most of IOS14

IOS14 is here. You may have noticed the new look of your iphone with this collection of widgets on your home screen. There is a lot more to that update. As always when there is a new IOS release, people all around the Internet share their tips and hacks. Here is a list of features and hack that will help you make the most of the update.


1. Picture-in-Picture

Finally, we can multitask even more than before. It also works with YouTube. You can close the app and continue to see the video in small on the screen while using other apps.

2. Back Tap

You can customize actions based on taps. Settings>Accessibility>Touch>Back Tap

3. Sound recognition

If you are wearing your earphones all the time and are afraid of missing out on a delivery because you can’t hear the bell or a knock on the door, you can have your phone send you a notification when it recognizes a sound.  Settings>Accessibility>Sound Recognition

4. App library

To open the App Library, swipe left to the maximum. You will see your apps have been categorized.  You will see suggestions of what to use & recently added apps. Which can be very handy.

5. Hide unwanted apps

Using the usual hold the app for it to pop up, you now have the option to move the app to the app library so it is still on your phone but not on the screen.

6. Privacy-intrusive app scanning

You may notice after using an app, the name of the app stays at the top. This is the sign that it used your camera or location. You can check which apps have used privacy sensitive elements by going to

7. Audio-level setup

If you use earphones you may want to check the hearing icon in your control center.

8. Change video resolution

The video quality indicator is available at the top right of your camera when in video mode.

9. Default browser

Yes, you are no long forced to use Safari or Mail. Head over to Settings>Chrome>Default Browser.

10. Precise vs approximate location

Settings>Privacy>Location Services

11. The new Translate App

It is seriously addictive; you should give it a go.


Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic