5 Things to Do Before Bed

Getting a good night’s rest is essential for good health, both bodily and mentally! Though some of us do better on less sleep than others, one thing we all have in common is that we need it. Solid, restful sleep can be elusive sometimes, but by using these tips and tricks, you may find it just a bit easier to achieve!

1. Turn on the fan and get those black-out curtains

 A big part of achieving a deep, restful slumber is making sure the environment you are sleeping in is optimal for it! That means creating a cool, dark space to slumber. If you live somewhere with a lot of light noise, consider buying some black-out curtains for bed-time. Those city lights may look beautiful, but they also might be hindering your sleep. Turning on a fan can also have a dual purpose: canceling out some environmental noise and keeping you cool so you can wake up refreshed and well rested!

The Modern East Bedtime Rituals Before Sleep Curtains

2. Take a warm bath or shower

It’s no secret that a nice hot bath is a good way to relax, but did you know that taking a warm shower or bath an hour before bed can also help you sleep better? Our circadian rhythm is tied in part to body temperature. As we cool down after bathing, that rhythm triggers our body to get sleepy. Our heart rate lowers, digestion slows, as does our breathing rate. This puts your body is perfect sleep mode and ready to catch some solid Z’s!

The Modern East Bedtime Rituals Before Sleep Bath

3. Quiet your mind

 It’s nearly impossible to sleep when you are stressed over the day’s events or about what’s to come tomorrow. While it may not be possible to quell all your worried thoughts, addressing some of them before you go to sleep can be beneficial. Consider meditating before bed. Meditation is not your thing? Write a list of what you need to accomplish tomorrow or keep a before bed journal to “discuss” events. Finding a way to help purge the white noise of your mind will lead to more solid sleep more quickly!

The Modern East Bedtime Rituals Before Sleep Meditation

4. Have a bedtime ritual

 Even the most spontaneous of humans are still a creature of habit to some degree. Having something you do each night before bed helps to signal your body that it is time to sleep. Reading or listening to a book, or having someone read to you are great night time rituals that do not involve any screens (which have proven to disrupt sleep). Do some light stretching. Journal. Listen to some quiet music. You’re aiming for low energy, screen-less, repeatable activities that your body will come to relate with sleep.

5 things to do before bed - bedtime ritual reading book sleep

5. Be mindful of your pre-bedtime intakes

 Caffeine is obviously a big no-no before bed! Try a decaf coffee or chamomile tea and stay away from nicotine as well.  Some foods will make you drowsy like almonds, walnuts, cherries, honey, and even hummus. They contain either melatonin or tryptophan which will tell your body it’s time for sleep and sweet dreams!

The Modern East Bedtime Rituals Before Sleep Coffee


Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic