The Most Commonly Used Passwords On The Internet

There is nothing I hate more than when signing up on a website and my subscription gives me an error message because I need to give a password that needs to fit with their requirements: “your password must contain 1 capital letter, 1 number, 1 special character etc.”! Truly frustrating!

In 2016, it is said that more than 25 million passwords were leaked. Leaked passwords are often listed on forums or websites and based on those, some companies such as Keeper or SpalshData analyze those to find patterns and the most common passwords.

The Most Common Passwords Online - The Modern East

By the way, if you are curious to find out if you have been hacked, you can actually check online using sites such as “Have I been Pwned?”. You can check by password (if you have a very unique password, you will feel relieved to see it has not been leaked) or by email address; I actually found out that I have been pwned on 4 breached sites; and if you want to go further although the site won’t tell you exactly on which 4 sites your password and email have been leaked, you can find the list of the breaches they have loaded into the site along with the year when they were breached. SCARY!

When it comes to most common passwords, I find it quite amusing to have a look at the list each year, especially when I have one of my passwords in the list…Take a look, here is the list for 2018 and the change in rank compared to 2017 ( I love how a lot of people used the password “Donald” in 2018…) see if your passwords are in it and if so…change them!!

The Most Common Passwords Online - The Modern East

  1. 123456(Unchanged)
  2. password(Unchanged)
  3. 123456789(Up 3)
  4. 12345678(Down 1)
  5. 12345(Unchanged)
  6. 111111(New)
  7. 1234567(Up 1)
  8. sunshine(New)
  9. qwerty(Down 5)
  10. iloveyou(Unchanged)
  11. princess(New)
  12. admin(Down 1)
  13. welcome(Down 1)
  14. 666666(New)
  15. abc123(Unchanged)
  16. football(Down 7)
  17. 123123(Unchanged)
  18. monkey(Down 5)
  19. 654321(New)
  20. !@#$%^&*(New)
  21. charlie (New)
  22. aa123456(New)
  23. donald(New)
  24. password1(New)
  25. qwerty123(New)



Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic