Cool Facts About Tea

Do you fancy a cup of tea? Studies have found that some teas may help with cancer, heart disease, and diabetes; encourage weight loss; lower cholesterol, and bring about mental alertness – but don’t worry, we’re not here to bore you with the scientific benefits of tea – even though we just did. If you’re an avid tea drinker, you’ll love this article! We’ve gathered up some cool facts about tea that you may have never heard of – keep reading to find out just what they are.

Tea has More Caffeine than Coffee

Yup, it’s true – tea has more caffeine than coffee does, but you are less likely to get a “caffeine crash” when you drink tea! Why? The high levels of antioxidants in tea slow the absorption of caffeine, which results in gentler increase caffeine in your system and a longer period of alertness with no crash at the end.

Mint Tea isn’t Actually a Tea!

Well, if you’re Arab, you probably already know this because of the countless amount of times you’ve had tea with your breakfast man’oushe or at a gathering – but, mint tea isn’t actually a legitimate flavor! The Mint leaves are actually infused into the tea and left there while you drink it.

Tea is like Gold

Did you know that back in the 18th century, tea was considered so valuable that it was kept locked in a chest? Nowadays, these chests are referred to as tea caddys, but back in the day, tea was almost as valuable as gold – these chests exist in museums to this day!

2,000 Leaves per Pound

Here’s one that will blow your mind – it takes about 2,000 individual leaves to make just one pound of finished tea! Tea plants grow wild in parts of Asia, but they can also be farmed. The very best tea comes from high elevations and is hand-picked.

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