Strange Snack Foods From Around The World

Ahhhh, how we love our snacks. Salty, sweet, or savory, there’s nothing like a snack to tide you over between meals. We all have our go-to when we’re feeling a bit peckish. You might be a chips kinda gal, a popcorn fan, or maybe you reach for something a little more on the healthy side. Personal preferences aside, snack food is a big market. Snack foods pulled in a whopping AED 2 trillion in sales last year alone. Yup, let that sink in for a moment. Though some snacks are commonly enjoyed in many different areas of the globe, some are definitely region specific. They can also be downright strange. Here’s our list of strange snack foods from around the world.

Fried Tarantulas// Cambodia

If the very thought of spiders gives you the shivers, this might be one strange snack you’ll want to avoid. The large spiders are typically prepared deep-fried, and then seasoned with spices, garlic, or just a little salt and pepper. The 8-legged treats are considered such a delicacy, that the larger ones can cost up to 1/6th of an average Cambodian’s daily wages. However, children and adults alike love to snack on them. Fried tarantulas are also popular during special events like holidays and birthday parties. Think we just might have to take a hard pass here.

Tiny Candied Crabs// Japan

Love crab? We’re willing to bet you’ve never had it like this before. This strange snack is highly popular in Japan. The crabs are super tiny, and they’re meant to be eaten shell and all. The pint-sized crustaceans get deep-fried, and then covered in sugar. They typically come in snack bags and can have slight variations in size, though small is key. People who love this snack swear that the crunchy texture, and the salty, sweet, and fishy flavors make for a winning combination. It also allegedly is the perfect snack to enjoy with a beer.

Roasted Ants// South America

Ants are industrious little creatures, they’re also full of protein. Leaf cutter ants are a popular snack in South America where they are typically fried or roasted. The ants are said to be a nutritious snack option, as they’re low in fat and high in protein. They’re also rumored to be an aphrodisiac. The queen ants are particularly prized. If you ever find yourself in South America, and want to give snacking on ants a try, be on the lookout for signs or packaging saying “Hormigas Culonas”. What do you say, strange snack or healthy food option?

Dried CuttleFish// South Korea

So, you’re in South Korea and you’re off to see a movie on the big screen. While you’re watching the flick, you’re gonna wanna snack on some popcorn, right? Nope. Here, dried cuttlefish is a popular movie theater snack. The cuttlefish go through quite the process to achieve their snack status. First it gets skinned, then cooked, seasoned, salted, dried, cured, and shredded. Then, it goes through another round of seasoning and drying. In the end, you’ll be left with a chewy snack that definitely has a distinctive flavor.

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Habang lahat ng tao sa mundo or sa Pilipinas ay maraming ganap sa buhay, ako dito sa gitnang silangan, work and bahay lang. Then mall sa weekends. And in between either uploading some videos sa Facebook account or sharing anything under the sun sa aking Instagram account. Most of the food items na post ko throwback nalang. Binili ko noon. Majority ng snack naubos ko. Sadly ang iba like the one in the photo ay hindi. It’s 2019 and I’m not yet fully living the zero waste lifestyle but I keep on trying. Starting with not repurchasing whatever items I bought in the past, most of them are posted here para lang me remembrance churva ganun. Masarap sana itong panghalo sa ginisang vegetable. Siguro saka nalang kapag meron ng bottled version. #AsianSnacksAndIngredients #AsianSnackAndIngredientsInUAE #AnythingAsian #DriedCuttlefish #BanSingleUsePlastic #TryingZeroWaste #PatiPagkainYataMePanProjectAko #ZeroWasteConcerns #ZeroWasteProblems #ZeroWasteStruggles #SobrangHirapNgZeroWasteLifestyle #RefusalDisposalSeparation

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