Best Pets for Reptile Lovers

You aren’t really an animal lover if you only love the cute and the fluffy – reptiles are great pets too! Reptiles are the perfect pets if you love animals but hate noise. Not only that, but you don’t even have to train them, they’re extremely low maintenance, and, hey, you’ll never have a bug problem! From slithery snakes to little lizards, these are the best pets for all of you reptile lovers out there.

Ball Python

Ball pythons are a great pet if you’re a reptile enthusiast. Growing to a maximum size of 3 to 5 feet, ball pythons are not as large as many of the other constricting snakes that are kept as pets. They require so little maintenance that they only eat once per week, and they are, in fact, quite friendly and do not mind their owners holding them.

Leopard Geckos

Leopard geckos are docile lizards that make great pets for adults and children alike. They are easy to take care of and they can even live up to 20 years! Leopard geckos actually love to be handled by their owners and can be very loving pets. These beautiful reptiles have beautiful colors and patterns that develop more and more as they grow older and shed.


Iguanas can make wonderful pets for the right person. Iguanas are strictly herbivorous animals, which makes them easy to feed. Although, they are quite bulkier than the average lizard. Iguanas are able to recognize their owners and family, have a great memory, and are very affectionate reptiles. They can even be trained to eat, sleep, and go to the washroom at desired times and places!


Turtles – not to be confused with tortoises – is a type of reptile that lives in the sea or in freshwater. Set up a little pond in your garden and get a little turtle. Sometimes these little creatures grow into their full size, but they are absolutely fun to take care of and can even be loving towards their owners.

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