How To: Push Past Your Boundaries

Don’t get us wrong, personal boundaries are very important to have. Boundaries keep us safe, balanced, and are absolutely essential for our physical and mental health and well-being. That being said, sometimes, some of our boundaries tend to box us in. Some of those perimeters end up being more of a comfort zone thing more than anything else. Pushing past some of your boundaries can be liberating. It can help you grow as a person. It’s important to remember that some boundaries should absolutely be a bit flexible, not set in stone. Maybe you wish you were a little more adventurous, or a little more ambitious. Here’s a few ways to push past your current boundaries and broaden those horizons.

Buddy Up With Someone Who Challenges You

Everyone needs a partner in crime sometimes. If you find it really difficult to step outside your comfort zone, enlist a friend’s help. Even just a little bit of support when you’re trying to accomplish something can make all the difference. Having a pal encourage you will also help to quell those thoughts of self-doubt that like to creep in when those familiar lines threaten to be crossed. The unknown is never nearly as scary when you’re in good company.

Change Up Your Routine

Small changes are key when it comes to effectively pushing past your boundaries. You want to find innocuous shifts in your norms and routines that don’t really present any sort of actual threat. Something even as simple as changing the restaurants you frequent, or your usual coffee place can do wonders. Go to the opera instead of the art gallery. Visit the other place across town, or try a new cuisine. While it might be nice to have your favorite barista know your name and how you like your coffee each morning, new faces and interactions bring worlds of possibilities.

Expand Your Circle

People absolutely tend to gravitate towards people they have a lot in common with. That’s not entirely a bad thing, doing so makes us feel like we aren’t alone and have someone who understands us no matter what. However, in order to push past your boundaries, it’s essential to widen your circle. You want to include some people who don’t agree with you on every topic. Bring in individuals with different world views and backgrounds. If disagreements can remain civil, listening to someone’s point of view that differs from yours can change you in a really positive way. Intelligent discourse is key. If the person is just toxic, they don’t apply here.

Don’t Go With The “Safe” Choice

Safe is nice, safe is good. But, sometimes we get stuck in safe mode. Now, this is not to say that you should go around taking insane chances and making really bad choices. But, next time you have to make a decision, stop and think. There is usually the “safe choice” and the slightly more “risky choice”. As long as it doesn’t put you in actual danger, consider making the risky choice. Wear the clothes, ask for the raise, talk to the boy. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? You got this.


Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic