How To Make Your Phone Less Addictive

Our smartphones are in so many ways designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. For many of us, they are an indispensable part of our daily routine. We can do almost anything on them. So it makes sense that we would be on them all the time, right?

However, for all of their useful qualities, unlocking and spending time on our phones has now become a natural instinct driven by habit. On top of this, the time spent often results in an endless scrolling-mode, without anything productive actually getting done.

But there’s good news… it’s not your fault! As much as our phones are made to help us, they have certain qualities that keep us coming back for more.

Whether you’re just looking to cut down your screen time or want to hardcore change your phone-usage habits – check out these simple tips to make your phone less addictive.

Turn off any non-human notifications

You phone and the apps in it are designed to keep you coming back. We’ve all see the “Where have you been?” or “X app misses you” notifications pop up on our lock screen, just to remind you that app exists. A good way to counter this is go through the notification settings for your non-communication apps on your phone (e.g. transport, games etc) and turn off any notifications that don’t come directly from people.

How to make your phone less addictive - The Modern East

Hold yourself accountable

I know downloading an app to spend less time on your phone sounds a little counterintuitive, but hear me out. Most of us are unaware of how much actual time we spend face-to-screen, that’s why an app that tells you exactly how much time you spend on your phone is a great start to remembering why you need to cut down.

Moment is a great app to help with making your little device less addictive. 

Get it here for iOS and Android.

How to make your phone less addictive - The Modern East

For more cold hard numbers, take a look at Checky. It tells you exactly how many times you unlock your phone per day!

Get it here for iOS & Android.


Disable your phone

We all know that the Do Not Disturb and Airplane modes on our phones exist. But how often have you put your phone on Airplane mode and then checked it 5 minutes later when you got distracted? If you really need to focus and can’t keep your eyes off your phone, you might be in need of an app to do it for you. Check out Flipd – an app that blocks your phone for a certain period of time with no possibility of unlocking it until the time is up! 

Get it here for iOS and Android.

How to make your phone less addictive - The Modern East

Don’t take it to bed

Everyone says this. Better sleep, dangerous rays, distractions and for so many other reasons you just shouldn’t bring your phone into your bed. Seriously, listen to them. Keep your phone at the other end of the room when you sleep – this also means you have to get out of bed to turn off your alarm and are less likely to snooze!

How to make your phone less addictive - The Modern East

Bye bye notifications

For those who are really committed to making their phone less addictive, you can go ahead and turn off any and all notifications. Doing this is the first step to entirely changing your phone-habits because it means only you decide when to go into an app and see if anyone has messaged you. Power to you!

How to make your phone less addictive - The Modern East

Grey it up

Did you know you can change the colour scheme of your phone display to greyscale? Much less appealing when it’s all shades of grey now isn’t it… your brain will automatically want to look at it less.

How to make your phone less addictive - The Modern East

Leave it at home

You know how they tell you to have one meatless day per week, well this is the same idea… sort of. Why not try leaving your phone behind one day when you leave your house? You’ll truly be surprised at how much more at peace you feel for the day.

How to make your phone less addictive - The Modern East


Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic