How To Take Better Naps

Long gone are the childhood days when sleeping felt more like a punishment and naps seemed like a waste of play time. Entering adulthood means you now fully appreciate the power of a deep sleep and a catching a midday nap. Sadly though, we never seem to have the time. So if like me, you crave that perfect nap… you know, that one where you wake up feeling like an energized new born baby, here are some tips and tricks to help you make the most of the rare napping times you might have.

It’s all about timing

When in the day you take a nap is actually more important than you think. Timing the perfect nap depends on the hour of day you wake up, and for most people that means the ideal nap falls somewhere between 1pm and 3pm. Don’t take any risks and check your perfect nap time with this nap wheel.

Caffeinate – trust me

I know how this sounds. Coffee and sleep aren’t exactly best friends, but hear me out.  Drinking coffee right before a power nap means that by the time the caffeine kicks in (about 20 minutes later) you’ll be waking up from your snooze. So you get the energizing benefits of the caffeine and the nap.

Control your environment

We’ve all been there, you’re try to fall asleep but there’s a piercing ray of sunlight coming in through the curtain and for some reason it’s all you can focus on. When you’re trying to take the ultimate nap, make sure to eliminate any such disturbances – turn off all the lights and make sure the room is as dark as possible. If that’s not an option, you can always opt for a sleep mask!

Same goes for adjusting the temperature of the place you’re sleeping in. Get comfortable and make sure you’re neither too hot or too cold.

Not too comfortable

You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and your bed is just too cozy to leave? Well the same idea goes for a nap. Make your wake up more easy and try sleeping on the couch instead of in the bed. Oh, and you can’t forget to set an alarm! Keep the nap under 90 minutes but longer than 20 minutes to reap the full benefits.

If you’re planning on making naps a part of your daily routine, try as much as possible to take the naps at the same time every day to help your body get used to the rhythm and fall asleep faster. Happy napping!


Omaya Michelle

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