5 Items to Make Your Slumber Sweet!

Whether you’re quick to fall asleep or it takes you some work to slip off to dreamland, there are some wonderful products out there to help ensure you get quality sleep. These 5 products are sure to help you achieve your very best slumber!

1. Cool Microfiber Sheets

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These sheets actually help keep you cool at night! We’ve all had one of those nights where it feels too hot to sleep. Since a cool temperature is proven to promote better slumber, keeping that body temperature down is a huge plus! These sheets work by helping to pull sweat away from your body, as well as allow for air movement through them. These sheets would also work miracles if you suffer from night sweats! Available in multiple colors and for many mattress sizes, these sheets are a must-have for a better night’s sleep.

2. Alarm Clock

5 items to fall asleep better - alarm clock

Most of us find it very difficult to part with our phones. Having gone far beyond their original function, phones serve so many purposes that sometimes we find it hard to put them down. One place you should leave your phone behind, however, is in the bedroom.  With studies showing that blue light from computers and phones can lead to poor sleep, it is time to ditch your phone as an alarm clock. Instead, consider picking out an actual alarm clock. There are some fun and interesting styles available on SOUQ and could add to your bedroom décor, not to mention lead to more fitful sleep!  

3. Pillow Sprays

5 items to fall asleep better - lavender

Chances are you already have a signature scent or scents you love when it comes to lotions. If you don’t want to wear lavender lotion to bed to help promote better sleep, consider a pillow spray! With scents proven to make you sleepy and help calm like lavender, eucalyptus, and chamomile, a few light spritzes to your pillowcase can give you that little extra nudge towards getting you asleep and help keep you there!

4. Weighted Blanket

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Having trouble falling asleep due to anxiety, stress, or restlessness? Weighted blankets help to “ground” you during sleep by simulating a deep pressure touch. This type of touch has proven in studies to lower anxiety and have a calming effect which leads to a better night rest. Basically, this blanket is supposed to mimic the kind of comfort which a physical hug would provide. We could all use more hugs, even when we’re sleeping!

5. Blue Light Blocking Glasses

5 items to fall asleep better - blue light glasses

Heard all those reports about how you should turn off your screens for bed-time but just can’t seem to give up your Netflix at bed-time? Whether you’re binge-watching a show for the first time or re-watching old favorites from your bed, these blue-light blocking glasses are a must if you don’t want your nocturnal habits to lead to poor sleep! 


Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic