3 All-Natural Sunburn Remedies

So you thought the sun was your friend? Ha, well think again. We’ll spare you the “you should’ve worn sunscreen” speech because it’s too late for that now and after the pain of a sunburn, you’re probably never going to forget this step again. Just remember in the future that the best, and least painful remedy in the case of sunburns is prevention.

But it’s past the time of prevention now, and the first thing you’re going to want to do is STAY HYDRATED. Drink plenty of water and fluids as sunburns are essentially a form of dehydration.

In order to treat your sunburn, just as mother nature has cursed you with this immeasurable pain, it has also placed the cure at your disposal. Here are 3 all-natural ingredients that can help heal your burn.

Aloe Vera

The OG when it comes to treating sunburns has to be Aloe Vera. I would actually recommend you keep a small Aloe Vera plant in your house as there are countless ways you can use this little magical plant.

If you have a plant already, go ahead and split the cactus and apply the sap directly on your burn. Otherwise, go out and buy some 100% pure Aloe Vera gel and apply to the area. You’ll feel your burn cool down instantly, and the gel also speeds up healing– reapply several times a day as necessary


What would we even do without bees?! Among many other things, honey is great as an anti-bacterial and will reduce the risk of infection to your wound. Apply the raw honey to your burn to help reduce itchiness and allow it to heal faster.

Witch Hazel

You’ve probably heard of this ingredient a lot recently, and for good cause, Witch hazel, like Aloe Vera and Honey, is one of those gifts from nature that’ll help you with endless different skin issues. For sunburns, it helps create a shield for the skin, protecting it from damage incurred by the sun’s rays. Apply a thin layer to the wounded area and wait for it work its magic!

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