Fool-Proof Decluttering For A Zen Home

The craziness of end of year has passed and it’s time to look forward. This is a period of new beginnings – a chance to get rid of clutter, both physical and mental, letting go of excess stuff to get you ready as the new year unfolds. Decluttering is the way.

It’s been a busy year and we all need to relax and recharge. So rather than seeing it as a daunting process, try these manageable tips for a quick clutter clear-up.

The Kitchen

Start by going through your pantry and getting rid of all expired items. Make a mental note of what you shouldn’t be buying too much of next year.

Decide what kitchenware items can be placed in a cabinet and which ones, more often used, will remain on the countertop. These ones should be placed on one side, not only to clear some areas and be aesthetically pleasing but to give you space to actually use your work surface for cooking!

Fool-Proof Decluttering For A Zen Home

The Bathroom

Nothing clutters up a bathroom quicker than a load of toiletries and shampoo and shower gel bottles scattered over surfaces, around the bath or in the shower.

To instantly make things look tidier, give them an edit: anything you don’t use daily can be tidied away into a cupboard or storage basket. For the rest, gather them to one corner. Consider buying a wall caddy and voila this is decluttering.

Fool-Proof Decluttering For A Zen Home

The Living Room

Focus on your surfaces – tv table, coffee table, side table – and be determined to keep them clear. Or at least set your mind on a carefully curated – and tidy – selection of items to display.

Fool-Proof Decluttering For A Zen Home

The Bedroom

To be more precise: the closets.

Let’s face it, we all have clothes that we haven’t worn in ages but may wear “someday.” But really, who knows when “someday” will be… it’s time to let go.

To make the process more fun, you can invite your girl squad over and turn this process into an event where you get to honor your clothes as you’re decluttering.

Fool-Proof Decluttering For A Zen Home

There are PLENTY of benefits behind de-cluttering, and let’s be honest, we should all learn to live with less.

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