Amal Al Raisi Launches ‘Rosewood’ Candles

Over the past year, home has become a solace for everyone, encouraging them to invest in their comfort and happiness. With self-care on the rise, Amal Al Raisi embarks on a path to
provide its clients with little luxuries that help redefine their living spaces for a warm and soothing mood.

The Launch of the Candles

Synonymous for its feminine aesthetic, Amal Al Raisi introduces candles. Titled as Rosewood, the candle reflects the brand’s identity through fresh flowery notes of lilac and rose as well as the Arab heritage through woody notes and sweet aspects of sandal.

Noticing the growing trend of people purchasing cocooning products, these candles exude a relaxing atmosphere while providing each home with a scent-driven dose of luxury.

The candles are exclusively available at Dar Al Aseel Boutique in Muscat.

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