This is Why Pilates is so Good for You

Pilates, a discipline that has been around for many years, has filtered into the mainstream fitness scene in the various versions and iterations that we see today – some better than others might I add. But the original repertoire of exercises was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century.

Pilates is a neuro-muscular form of fitness which engages both brain and body in an intensive and focused core conditioning series of exercises. It’s the kind of movement that can only be done correctly if you’re thinking about the muscle groups you’re using and focusing through mindful movement. It makes more sense when you try it out of course, but there are so many benefits to this form of training, and here are just some of the reasons why Pilates is so good for you.

1. It improves posture

Pilates focuses on the body’s posture and natural alignment of the spine. The aim of the game is to bring you back (as closely as possible that is) to your natural alignment through training and conditioning. We pick up so many bad habits without realizing – constantly looking down at our phones, sitting awkwardly at our desks, hunching over computer screens, and the list goes on. By improving posture and flexibility, you’re at less risk of injuring yourself, but also because you become more aware of your positioning throughout the day.

This is Why Pilates is so Good for You Sarah Zakzouk

2. It enforces effective breathing techniques

With the precise movement of every exercise and the fact that every move is weight bearing (against the weight of your own body that is), you need to adopt a strong breathing technique that will assist you. It’s all about exhaling in an effort to drive the body into position and then refilling those lungs with air in between each rep.

This is Why Pilates is so Good for You Sarah Zakzouk

3. It complements other forms of exercise

Pilates gives you a great sense of body awareness and specific muscle activation with every exercise that you do. You learn how your body moves in every plane of movement, understanding the adjustments needed to move more effectively not only in class but in everything that you do. Which is why Pilates complements other forms of training, because you know what’s safe and effective for your body – whether you’re in a CrossFit session, or on the rugby pitch, understanding your body and how to work it (safely) to its maximum is key. 

This is Why Pilates is so Good for You Sarah Zakzouk

4. It tones the body

The intense focus on muscle groups – both large and small results in an overall increase in muscle strength and tone without creating bulk, which is great if you’re looking for a lean physique. The focus on deep core muscle strength will also help tone the abdominals because they work as your stabilizing muscle group for all the exercises you will practice.

This is Why Pilates is so Good for You Sarah Zakzouk

5. It increases the effectiveness of everyday movements

From reaching up high to grab something from the top of your wardrobe to bending down to pick up a heavy box, Pilates trains your mind and body to move mindfully. Every movement comprises a series of sequencing through the body as well as core stabilization. Even in everyday life, it’s important to understand this sequencing and how to balance out different forces as we move and carry out even the most basic of tasks. I mean, you don’t want to pull your back when picking up that box, do you? 

This is Why Pilates is so Good for You Sarah Zakzouk

6. It helps with the natural aging process

We all get old, it happens. But the aim is to age gracefully and to stay strong in the process, right? The consistent practice of Pilates can help with the natural degeneration of the body – from weakened spinal discs to arthritic joints, not forgetting injuries that we accumulate over time. That’s why Pilates is adopted in rehabilitation practices and physiotherapy – to retrain your body to move well and as effectively as it possibly can, building strength in areas that may have weakened over time.

This is Why Pilates is so Good for You Sarah Zakzouk

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