Things From The 90’s That Are Now Obsolete

Things come and they go. Change is a way of life that there’s just no getting around. The 90’s was a feel-good era, and it had its fair share of things that have since gone the way of the dinosaurs. Take a trip down memory lane and see how many of these things from the 90’s that are now obsolete you remember.

Answering Machines

Oh, the humble answering machine. Back in the day, this was the way you received messages other than “snail mail”. It was also how you screened your calls and avoided having to talk to someone you’d rather not.

Floppy Disks

If you just said, “what are those”, we’ve already said enough. Definitely obsolete.


Yup, 90’s kids used to have to carry around clunky bits of tech to listen to their music. Cassette tapes and CD’s also kinda deserve a spot on this list, now that we think of it. No fancy AirPods in the 90’s.

Paper Maps

While these are definitely still around, and it’s not a bad idea to have one just in case, they’re pretty obsolete nowadays. When was the last time you spurned Google Maps to unfold one of these bad boys?

Missing An Episode

In the early 90’s, if you missed an episode of your favorite show, it was tough cookies. There was no Netflix, no binge watching, no TiVo. You’d just have to catch the next show next week and hope there was enough of a recap that you wouldn’t be totally lost.

AIM Chat Rooms and Instant Messenger

If you grew up in the 90’s, you likely heard from your parents the dangers of talking to strangers in those “dangerous chat rooms”. You probably also hopped on AOL Instant Messenger to chat with friends after school. We bet you had a really clever screen name, too.

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