Cool Facts About Hair

Hair – for some it’s just a matter of wake up and goes, and for others, it may be difficult to manage. Hair comes in all shapes, colors, sizes, and styles and can change someone’s entire appearance – but, how much do you really know about hair in general? From how many strands you have on your head, to what your hair is made out of and more – keep reading to find out some cool facts about hair that you may have never heard of.

Hair Strands

The average human head has about 100,000 hairs with a similar number of hair follicles. Of course, many may experience hair fallout throughout their life that can lead to balding for some, but a Roman-affiliated doctor can evaluate your balding pattern and help you find the right treatment.

Hair Growth

Did you know that your hair is the fastest growing tissue in the body after bone marrow? The speed of hair growth can obviously vary from person to person but there are several treatments that can help it grow faster such as using hair masks, reducing heat damage, and more.

Why Does Hair Look Longer When Wet?

When it’s wet, your hair loses that strength and elasticity. You probably even notice your hair is longer when it’s wet—that’s because essentially wet hair is already stretched out to its maximum length. So predictably, when you brush dry, your hair stretches and bounces back

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