Best Robin Williams Movies

The world got just a little bit darker when Robin Williams’ light went out. The man was seriously funny. But, he could also do wonders with dramatic material. There was something overwhelming joyful about many of Williams’ performances. Expressive, sometimes manic, and often able to evince a wholly believable childlike glee in many of his roles, his presence on the big screen is sorely missed. Over the years, he would go on to star in over 70 films. Of those, we’ve selected some of which we think are the best. If you haven’t seen these movies yet, you’ll definitely want to.

Mrs. Doubtfire

Divorce can be difficult, on everyone involved. While this flick definitely deals with some pretty heavy subject matter, it also provides plenty of comedy. There are some rather iconic scenes in this movie, the stuff that has become pop culture history. And well, even by today’s standards, the transformation of Williams into an English nanny is pretty impressive. This is definitely one of those films that will make you laugh, and tug at your heartstrings. If it’s been awhile since you’ve indulged, you should totally watch it again.


Even though this movie was pretty well and fully thrashed by critics, we still stan it. Williams plays Peter Banning, a lawyer who spends more time at work than with his family. He doesn’t remember many details about his younger life. That is until he is forced to, following the kidnapping of his two kids. Turns out Peter was actually Peter Pan, before he decided to grow up and have a family. With this movie, you’ve definitely got to ignore the critics. It’s fun, Williams actually makes a great Pan, and it’s an easy watch. Oh, and props to Dustin Hoffman for making a delightful Captain Hook.

What Dreams May Come

This is another of Williams’ movies that just didn’t enjoy much critical acclaim. But it’s gorgeous. And heartbreaking. And it opens up a lot of questions that might leave you examining life and what might come after. Williams is at his best here when it comes to dramatic material. You can’t help but be drawn in as you embark on the journey he takes through the afterlife. Visually it’s stunning as well, so there’s a lot to unpack here. Have tissues at the ready.

The Fisher King

Words have weight, and life can change in the blink of an eye. This is another one of those brilliant movies where Williams is able to do what he does best and blend comedy with drama. You might not be familiar with this film. If you aren’t, well, it’s high time you acquaint yourself with it. Williams plays a man whose life has been turned upside down, and is homeless. But, he finds beauty and happiness in some unusual places. This is a deceivingly complex movie that will definitely have your emotions all over the map. It’s certainly a great watch, and Williams is gold.


Oh, the power of a voice. Straight up, Robin Williams made this movie. He will always be Genie. Sorry, not sorry. End of story.


Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
  • Ardently Artistic