Shows With Strong Female Leads

Happy Women’s Day!

We’ve seen a little too many ‘damsel in distress gets saved by an epic love story’ plot lines. That’s why for International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating those shows with unapologetically strong female leads who don’t need anyone to save them. On-screen representation matters, and it’s about time that we start seeing portrayals of women that represent the fighters in our lives, characters that young girls can look up to and say “I want to be like her!”


Shows With Strong Female Leads - The Modern East

Image Courtesy // Bounce TV

In this thrilling series of a strong female lead, Kerry Washington plays the satisfyingly complex role of Olivia Pope, an aide to the White House administration. While her character is by no means a role model, that is exactly what makes her so intriguing. So far removed is it from the typical one-faceted portrayal we might have seen of other female characters. Olivia Pope is both good, bad, just, unfair, hot-blooded, cold-blooded,  objective, emotional and everything in between – so to say a real human, and most of all a real woman! She doesn’t fall into the trope of girl meets boy, however isn’t so unrealistically cold-blooded that her emotions never sway her actions. When the show came out it was incredibly refreshing to see such a multi-layered portrayal of a woman in power and a leader, who didn’t have to adhere to doing things differently simply because of their gender.

Parks and Recreation


Shows With Strong Female Leads - The Modern East

Image Courtesy // NBC

Who doesn’t love Amy Poehler?! I know I do. This show serves as a great reminder than a strong female leader can also be someone who treats people with kindness, acts in humor and takes care of those around them. Poehler’s character, Leslie Knope, is an endless source of cheer and passion, speaking her mind and heart. One of her main priorities in life are her work, once even choosing to end a relationship in order to pursue a career option. Not only so, but her friendship with Ann Perkins (Rashida Jones) is one for the books! Filled with support, love and mutual appreciation, it shows that women don’t always have to be in competition – as Hollywood has so often told us.

Grace and Frankie

Shows With Strong Female Leads - The Modern East

Image Courtesy // Netflix

Real. That’s probably one of the most accurate ways to describe these two fearless women. After separating from their husbands (due to events I won’t spoilt for you), embark on a new start in life, relying on each other for support. What’s so amazing and unique about this show is that it’s one of the only ones that portrays women over 60 as still full of life, and ready for adventures. Most other shows with female characters of this age tend to corner them into the role of the mother or grandmother – but never the protagonists, love interests or even the center of the show in any way. Grace and Frankie does all of that. The characters are complex in their choices, deciding to set aside their age and focus instead on living their life to the fullest.

The Handmaids Tale

Shows With Strong Female Leads - The Modern East

Image Courtesy // Lightbox

While the storyline of this show is in essence about how women are forced to take a step back into biological fundamentalism, forced to act solely as child bearers and nothing else. It would have been easy for the female characters to be weak, washed out and subdued (as their world wants them to be). However, what we see unfold is a strong representation of rebellion, free-thinking and a fight for justice. They host a strong female work environment together in this dystopian reality to push back against the oppressive powers show that even under the most dire circumstances women are strong-willed, intelligent and nuanced.

Here’s to the hoping that seeing strong, independent women on-screen is no longer something we are surprised about, but rather a norm we see more than enough of! Moreover, we need to move on from the overplayed character that only shows one aspect of women, disregarding the complexity and plurality of experiences they face.

Modern East TV

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