Coffee Break: Cold Brew

Having a busy day and need a small coffee break? There is nothing I love more than heading out to explore some of our local cafés and trying out all the different types of specialty coffee they have to offer, usually pretending to know exactly what it is I’m looking for / talking about – when really I’m a coffee newbie. This is exactly what has sparked my interest in creating this series Coffee Break, where I sit down and do all of the research needed to share with all of you lovely readers – to turn us both from coffee newbies to the absolute connoisseurs of all things coffee. This series will give you absolute coffee bragging rights!

Today’s topic? Cold brew!

If you would have asked me a few years back what I thought of cold coffee, right away I would have referenced Frappuccinos, sugary Iced Lattés pumped up with flavored syrup and the Canadian in me would remember the Iced Cap from Tim Hortons that we used to overkill during my uni days. Now I have totally changed my perception since I have been introduced to cold brews, Iced Americanos, cold drips and all the other wonderful cold coffees there are to offer, that are friendly to my Lacoste free diet.

So here’s the 411 on our dearly beloved Cold Brew. Cold Brew essentially is coffee that is prepared cold or at room temperature and left to brew for between 18-24 hours in the fridge. In doing so, the result is usually much less acidic than your regular Iced Americano or Iced Black Coffee. The Cold Brew method will leave the coffee tasting subtly but naturally sweater, and all around has more of a unique taste.

Cold Brew coffee also tastes a lot less watery than your average Iced Black, since the coffee is served on ice but is already cold, the ice will melt a lot slower. In your average Iced Black, it is made with hot coffee or espresso shots with water and then served over ice, which will melt quite quickly and leave you with that watered down taste.

There are 3 main components to your Cold Brew: the coffee beans, time of brew and of course cold/room temp water. The type of coffee beans you use and the brew time can really change the way the coffee turns out.  Making cold brew can perhaps seem intimidating but is actually quite simple – it’s all about experimentation, so you can totally get creative and find your signature Cold Brew. You can also purchase some super cool gadgets to help you create your own Cold Brew or you can kick it old school and do it all at home with things laying around the kitchen. Check out our recipe for how to make Cold Brew at home!

In the depths of the regions summer, having a cold coffee on your coffee break is definitely the way to go! Why not go to one of your specialty coffee spots and give a Cold Brew a try.

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