5 Habits All Successful Ladies Live By

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Success means something differently to everyone. Being successful means setting your own goals and doing the work to achieve them. Boss babes don’t just wake up one morning and randomly find themselves living their dream lives. It takes planning, determination and commitment. But, the most successful women do have habits that they follow. These are habits that anyone can develop. If you’re looking to being the boss woman you know you can be, take a look at how other boss babes achieve their goals.

1) They set goals and follow through, no matter what!
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail 

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Setting goals can be a little overwhelming at first. Start by identifying you goals and want you want to achieve, once you know what you’re working towards, it’s easier to plan out your daily, monthly and yearly goals. You can start by setting smaller achievable goals and work your way up to bigger tasks. You can start with smaller goals like drinking 4L of water a day, or making your bed daily, or going for a 20 min walk, and once you’re done, you tick those off of your list and move on to bigger long-term goals. Once goal setting and following through becomes a habit, you can start setting larger goals and know the steps to achieve them. Learn to disciple yourself and make it a habit to finish off any task and goal you set for yourself.

2) They persist despite the obstacles thrown their way

Oh the magic that unfolds once you start truly believing in your worth!

If you’re confident and have faith in yourself, then that’s half the battle. The biggest factor to reaching success is persisting through. I don’t know one successful person who got there without having the door shut on their face and people telling them ‘no’ repeatedly. The road to success is one with many rejections, and sacrifices, and picking yourself backup. Remember: “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor”, and in the hard times is when you need to believe in yourself the most and have faith in your long-term vision. Believing in yourself is absolutely crucial in making it to the top.

3) They Are Risk Takers

Successful women are not afraid to take risks. They know that in order to win big, one must take risks. They understand that to make change, you can’t play it safe all the time and taking that calculated risk could make all the difference and make that much of a difference.

4) They Invest In Their Education

Just because you are done with university, doesn’t mean the learning stops there. It’s so important to continue to expand your mind, be exposed to new experiences, and challenge yourself mentally. There’s so much to take in, so pick something you’re passionate about and take a course and get certified or read a book about it. If you’re interested in learning a language, it is as simple as downloading an app on your phone and setting aside a few minutes a day to practice and learn. If you love photography, pursue it, buy a camera, take a course or watch a YouTube video on it. Never stop learning and growing yourself, and never put a cap on education.

5) They take care of themselves physically

Countless successful women preach about the importance of staying active- not because they are trying to maintain their weight, but because the know that exercise has positive effects of stress, your brain, releases endorphins, and gives you more energy. Make sure to include some sort of activity where you can destress and let loose a bit. Whether it’s taking a hip hop dance class, or running along the beach, as long as you are moving, you are doing your present and future self a massive favor.

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