Spotlight on // Happy and Healthy Living

We all want to live a happy and healthy life. And even if we don’t feel we always have control over the things that happen to us there are some things we can do to have a better quality of life.

Eat Well – Listen to your body and plan ahead

Healthy Living Tips - The Modern East

Some say we need to consume meat for protein. Others happily remove meat from their diets and appear to be fine.

Some say we need to drink milk for healthy bones. Others say milk actually depletes calcium from your bones.

Some say moderation is key — that it’s fine to eat unhealthy foods as long as you don’t overdo it. Others say, if you know it’s unhealthy, why put it in your body at all?

In general, we have too much information, too many food choices, which obviously lead us to confusion.

Simply listen to your body; it is miraculously and ingenuously designed: if it doesn’t feel good, it will tell you — if you’re willing to listen of course.

Now, when you already know what you need to eat, the best way to fall off the wagon is to not be prepared. Don’t allow yourself to just “go with the flow” and pick up things here and there whenever you’re hungry. If you do that, you are more likely to eat unhealthily than healthily — it’s the way our current environment is designed so plan ahead!


Healthy Living Tips - The Modern East

According to a post from Harvard Medical School, “sitting is the new smoking” when it comes to health risks. A sedentary healthy lifestyle can hurt you in ways you don’t even realize.

Exercising regularly can literally change your life giving you the energy and focus you need to build a better you.


Healthy Living Tips - The Modern East

Love saves lives and makes a healthy life worth living.

Because, lets face it, life is awful sometimes. We go through unimaginably painful situations every day. But if you know someone loves you, and you have someone to love, you can bear just about anything.

Focus on your “haves” versus your “have-nots” and exercise inner peace
Give your mind a chance for a mental deep breath to connect to whatever gives you peace and harmony. Whether you pray, meditate, listen to music, or practice yoga, it is essential in today’s hectic pace of living to take a few moments to center yourself and to clear the negative thoughts from your mind.


Healthy Living Tips - The Modern East

If you’re in celebration mode or nursing a broken heart, it won’t kill you to indulge on fries, chocolate, ice cream etc… from time to time. Similarly, if you just got that hard-earned raise, treating yourself to an expensive bag you’ve been eye-ing is totally justifiable.


Omaya Michelle

  • Eclectic soul
  • Staying Mindful
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