Philanthropic Apps To Help Give Back

The world can always use more kindness. We live in a time of technological marvels and social media spaces where the focus tends to be more on ourselves than our fellow man. Perhaps the thought of trying to do something good for others often crosses your mind, but you’re just not sure how to start or where to even look. Or maybe in the hectic rigors of day to day life, you simply find you don’t have much time to spare to volunteer or do much charitable work. If you’re looking for a way to do some good and help out those less fortunate, you’ll want to check out these philanthropic apps.

Donate A Photo

Philanthropic Apps To Help Give Back - The Modern East

The Johnson&Johnson company heads up this app that will donate a dollar to the charity of your choosing and all it will cost you is a picture. Upload a pic from your camera roll or take one on the spot and hit “donate”. You can do it once a day, every single day. You get to choose the charity you would like your donation to go to, and there are some truly great ones available. You can also post your donation snapshot on social media to inspire friends to do the same.

iOS / Android

Coin Up

Philanthropic Apps To Help Give Back - The Modern East

While this philanthropic app offers several possible means of charitable donation, the “Round Up And Donate” option is what really makes it stand out. Basically, after you create your account, you link a debit or credit card. Then, you go along your merry way, spending as you normally do. Coin up will then round your purchases up to the next whole amount at the end of the month and donate the “change” to the charity of your choice.  So, say you spend 10.65 AED, at the end of the month .35 will be added to that purchase and go to help others. You also will get a snapshot that shows you just what your donations provided.


Share The Meal 

Philanthropic Apps To Help Give Back - The Modern East

Help fight hunger around the world with this incredible philanthropic app by the World Food Programme. With a totally painless tap to your phone, you can feed a child for a day for just over around 2 AED. You can also donate larger amounts through the app and have the option to focus your donation to a specific area that you would most like to aid. You’ll be able to see exactly where your funding went and just what it provided, often putting a face to your good deeds. There’s even an option to help by sharing food photos on social media with a “share the meal” filter for all our foodie photographs.

iOS / Android

One Today

Philanthropic Apps To Help Give Back - The Modern East

This app created by Google focuses on small donations to an impressive list of non-profit charitable organizations. You can donate in small amounts, and challenge others to match your donations. You will receive a photo as well as a short story about what impact your donation had. There are some truly wonderful causes here and you will know exactly what your money is going to provide. One Today invites you to “see how one deed today = a better tomorrow”. That’s a challenge that’s just begging to be accepted.

iOS / Android


Omaya Michelle

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