Sustainability As A Way of Life

We live in an age of mass consumerism and disposability: fast food, fast fashion and speedy communication consumption – there’s so much turnover and a hell of a lot of waste in the process.

An overload of anything can be stressful: work, a busy lifestyle, too much information all at once, and so by evaluating each of these ‘life facets’ it helps us understand the value of each one and therefore how much attention we give to that area of our lives. It’s about quality rather than quantity, and here are a few simple tips to decluttering and being a little more sustainable in your everyday life.

Organize a Clothes Swap

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We’ve all got our everyday outfits and then there’s our occasion wear, so obviously we’ll be using the everyday stuff more often. But if you’re not wearing certain items that often, or you’re waiting to squeeze back into those jeans, then make a realistic decision and either dump or donate. Clothes swaps are a great way to donate outfits that you don’t need, and you might even find something that suits you better anyway!

Declutter Your Desk (and desktop)

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This is the area that requires space – having too much stuff in the way is off-putting and can feel stifling, which is totally unconducive to creativity. And that’s just your physical desk space – the same goes for the digital version. We know it’s quick and easy to save things to your desktop, but those digital files pile up in exactly the same way as the mountain of papers on your desk. So give your desk and desktop a good clean up at the end of every week to keep those files in check.

Avoid Single-Use Plastics

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Think about how many water bottles you go through on a weekly basis – yes, keeping hydrated is important, but let’s try and be more eco-friendly in the process. It’s so easy to buy a sustainable refillable bottle and carry that around with you, or invest in a home water filtration system, and bring canvas bags to the supermarket instead of taking home loads of plastic ones. These are just a few examples, and there are so many small changes you can make to your daily routine to follow the sustainability route.

Focus on Quality Not Quantity

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FOMO, or ‘Fear of Missing Out’ is definitely a thing for many people, and sometimes it’s a good idea to simply turn invitations down. Learning to say no is a struggle for some, but when you look at your diary and it actually stresses you out, then you know that you’ve got to declutter and simplify. Focus on the things that bring value to your everyday life, things you learn from and enjoy. It’s important not to spread yourself too thin.

Recycle More

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This can be done in many ways – whether it’s separating out your rubbish into recyclables, or reusing plastic containers that you have accumulated through all your Deliveroo orders. Donating things is a great and sustainable idea too – whether that’s clothes, or books, old furniture or gadgets, it’s about being mindful about where that rubbish shoot leads to, and how you can help to alleviate the negative effects of clutter and consumption by doing more recycling. Even the smallest changes will make all the difference!

You can also use the KonMari method to declutter your phone!

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