Your Travel Essentials For The Open Road

1. Snacks

I would be totally lying if I didn’t admit that I spend my of my time on a road trip munching away on all sorts of snacks. It’s usually a long road, I get hungry… okay you got me it’s out of bored. But still, it’s basically road trip tradition to eat unhealthy food! Whether it’s chips, sweets, your favorite soft drink or even some fruits if you’re into that, make sure to stock up on your choice of sustenance for the road ahead.

2. Music

If you take nothing else, take your music. There’s honestly nothing worse than sitting in a silent car for hours at a time watching the open asphalt go by. Prepare a playlist of songs you love, albums you’ve been meaning to listen to, or a collection of artists you’ve never heard before – a road trip is the perfect opportunity for new music!

3. Shades

You don’t want to realize half way through that it’s going to be a sunny ride and have no way of protecting your precious eyes.. be prepared! When you’re about to be trapped in a moving metal vehicle for endless hours, it’s better to take too much than too little.

4. Pillows!

Comfort, comfort, comfort. Those hours will go by much faster if you’re cozily tucked into your seat, and a pillow or two can make a MAJOR comfort difference on your road trip.

5. A book or game

If you’re not driving, and if you (unlike me) don’t get motion sickness from reading in the car, then consider taking a book! It’s a great time to catch up on reading. Otherwise, why not prepare a game or two for the road to play with everyone in the car? Something like trying to spot all the car brands in alphabetical order, a good old I-spy, or even prepare some riddles!

6. Phone Charger

A car charger could be the difference between life and death. Okay, that’s a bit dramatic. But think about it, the phone with the map dies – you could either 1. Be charger-less and start intensely panicking OR 2. Have a phone car charger and save the day. Be a hero, take a charger.

7. The right meds

It’s always better to be on the safe side and pack some motion sickness pills JUST in case anyone’s tummy starts acting up on the trip. You never know..

8. Water – proceed with caution

I’m not telling you to dehydrate yourself, but be aware that you’ll probably be driving for extended periods of time without stopping. And them more water you drink, well.. we’re all human. So don’t tempt nature and go easy on the liquid of life!

9. Headphones – maybe

You might not need these if you’re in a car with all your friends. But if you’re travelling on a bus with strangers, or maybe with your family who don’t all want to listen to the same music – headphone will REALLY come in handy. It’s probably always better to take them, even if you might not use them.

10. Passenger duties

If it’s a road trip that means someone’s driving.. ( I know, “thank you captain obvious” but hear me out) You want to make sure your designated driver has the energy they need to keep driving, and it’s the passengers duty to ensure this! After all, they’re the heroes here. Whether it’s energy drinks, entertainment to stay alert, or passing them food – don’t forget to show your driver some love!


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