Luscious Locks For You

Luscious hair seems impossible? Getting a little tired of the same old looks when it comes to your hair? Whether you’re a girl on the go who needs some inspiration for some quick and easy hairstyles for day-to-day or looking for something doable but stunning for a night out on the town, these sources will have you looking your best!

Hair Styles and Haircuts (iOS and Android):  

With both single photo only inspiration options as well as pictorial tutorials, this app has a little bit of everything. Choose from categories like romantic, spring, braids, simple, or evening looks. While there are some more complicated styles you might need a friend or a salon professional to achieve, many are something you could tackle on your own. Thinking about a new cut? There are also several listings for haircut inspirations for all lengths of hair!

Get Those Luscious Locks

Hairstyles Video tutorials &Ideas 2018 (women) (Android):

This app features both single image and video-based offerings as inspiration. While many of the luscious styles shown are braid based, there is enough here to give you some good options on something that would work while at work or at play!

Get Those Luscious Locks

Hairstyle Trends: Tips and Tricks (iOS):

This app is constantly being updated with everything from day to day looks to tutorials straight out of New York fashion week. Aside from how-tos for do’s, there is a tips and tricks section for hair care. This app also caters to every type of hair from straight to curly, long to short, you are sure to find a luscious look that works for you!

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Best HairTutorial (Instagram):

This video-centric feed has so many cute ideas you may lose track of time looking at all the options! From do it yourself videos, to salon cuts, to quick dos done for a day at the beach while on the beach, you’re bound to find something that is going to make you want to make it a very good hair day!

Get Those Luscious Locks

Cutehairstyles_101 (Instagram):

Featuring everything from casual half down looks to classic twists to complicated braids, this feed has something for every skill level! Centring mostly on pictorial depictions rather than videos makes for a quick start to finish scan enabling you to determine rapidly if a certain styling is doable for you!


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