Holy hair! Spring has sprung // Spring Hair Trends

Slick Rick – try the half wet waves

Spring Hair Trends 2019 - The Modern East

Photo Credit // i.pinimg

After seeing this look come off the runway, the Friday morning supermarket version of me rejoiced deeply for my spring hair. Think stepped out of the shower 20 minutes ago, slightly tousled, semi dried wavy chic. Dream. City. Apologies in advance to my fellow grocery folk, but farrrshion calls and finally there’s a low key version of something I can replicate in real life. Apparently the tip is start with dry waves first then add some hair oil, but I think I like my version better and if you’re like me and have waves naturally why not roll with the punches you were blessed with huh.

Maybe Baby – flaunt that wispy hair

Spring Hair Trends 2019 - The Modern East

Photo Credit // i.pinimg

I genuinely hope this one sticks around throughout Summer too because girl, humidity here is a killer and my baby hair isn’t here for it. If you too suffer with what looks like an out of control lion mane, this is going to be your best friend. Time to hide away the straighteners and embrace the real baby fluff in all its glory. You might not be down for this, but lazy girl version of me is saying a solid yes.

Curls for the girls – brush those bad boys out

Spring Hair Trends 2019 - The Modern East

Photo Credit // i.pinimg

Wanting to achieve a curl that will make people wonder if they are your own? This is your best bet. Tong your hair like you would any other day and preferably using a smaller barrel. Once you’ve got that all finished up and it’s cooled take a wide toothed comb and go bananas. Tousled French-girl chic in seconds. Slightly more effort for a spring hair look, maximum payoff if you ask me.

Win with Pins – sport some delicious hair candy

Spring Hair Trends 2019 - The Modern East

Photo Credit // i.pinimg

The thought of all those wispies giving you anxiety? Why not try something a little more sleek and chic (and assisted)… girl, time to get creative with bobby pins! Now I’m not talking your typical run of the mill boring brown (or black or black for inclusion purposes) bobby pins, I mean the highly coveted fashion accessory ones, you know the cute flat metallic type? Create cute patterns all over your head with these – crisscrossed or all lined up like soldiers, completely up to you. You’ll have your colleagues and pals admiring your tres amazing fashion sense in no time.

Buns Hun – of the messy variety

Spring Hair Trends 2019 - The Modern East

Photo Credit // Messy Bun On The Run

Honestly, where was this look for the last ten years?! And why has it not been office approved yet… yet another reason for folks to consider full time freelance I think! OK perhaps I’m being a little bit dramatic, but I’m sure you know what I mean. But in all seriousness, how great is it that we now have the fashion seal of approval to rock a loose messy bun and in an intentional I want my hair like this way. All about that life. Take it high or low, the choice is yours now go and enjoy that Spring hair freedom errybody.

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