Tips to take Care Of Your Curly Hair

Taking care of your curly hair can be a real challenge at times. Find your way around the at-times overwhelming world of curly care with these simple tips.

Don’t over-wash

Curly hair doesn’t get as greasy as straighter hair types , so it doesn’t need to be washed as often. Actually, you can get away with washing your hair much less often. Once every 5 days to a week is the golden number for thick hair, and if you have a finer texture then every 3 days works. But you should never, ever, be washing your hair more often than that.

Shampoo? How about no

If you read the ingredients on a shampoo bottle you’ll understand exactly why you should do this. The same substance that makes it foam up is also present in dishwasher soap! No thanks. Instead, choose a co-wash or a lowpoo. These products will make sure you get your air clean and shiny, without drying it out like normal shampoo would.

Hydration, hydration. Did I mention hydration?

Curly hair has this way of drying up beyond belief. Have you even tried putting leave-in and felt it just absorb right up? That’s what I mean. Curls need to be moisturized and hydrated much more often than straighter hair, so don’t hesitate to pack on the conditioner and leave in.

Oil it up

Using oil after your leave-in is the perfect way to makes sure you lock that moisture in. Oil closes up the hair follicle and ensures your hair takes longer to dry out.

Behind the mask

You’ll notice a recurring theme here is how dry curly hair is. Give it what it needs with a moisturizing masks at least once a week, you’ll see the effect straight away. Hello, bounce!

Bye bye heat

If you’re serious about taking care of your curly locks then heat is something you’ll have to get rid of. No more blow driers or hair straighteners! These damage and dry out your hair even more…and if you really want to use those, then pack on the heat protectant!

Wrap the night away

Sleep is restful, but not always for your hair. Going to sleep with your hair out can do some serious damage like knotting that’ll definitely lead to breakage when you detangle. Make sure you braid your hair before going to bed and wrap it in a satin headscarf. Get yours here. Satin is very delicate on your strands and won’t cause any friction, so there’s the added plus of frizz-control!  

Protective everything

Don’t underestimate the power of a protective style. A daytime headwrap, braids or even a bun help shield your hair from the harshness of the environment, even just for a day. Even our curls need a break from time to time.

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