An Artist A Day: Adra Kandil

Throughout this month, The Modern East has taken the initiative of showcasing some of the most talented Arab artists out there in a series we like to call “An Artist A Day“. From paintings and drawings to illustrations and photography, we are so excited to display these incredible artists, for your enjoyment.

There are so many wonderful artists born and bred within the Arab community; artists that we believe deserve to be highlighted and appreciated. There really is no better feeling than a reflection of your community in the art you consume.

Adra Kandil

The next artist we’re excited to introduce to you is Adra Kandil, a 26 year old Lebanese visual artist. With imagery of longing and nostalgia, Adra’s body of work boasts a unique exploration of identity as a modern Lebanese woman. We were lucky enough to gain insight into her journey, her message and what drives her to create.

Adra’s inclination for the arts began during her time studying at university in Barcelona. She told us, “I began collecting magazines, and cutting them up, creating compositions with bits and pieces.” There, her art found it’s way to the digital world “I would take photographs of lovers and friends and cut them out and place them in surreal locations, like outer space”.

After that, she basically took her laptop everywhere. Her love for collage art had taken root, continuously blossoming into thought provoking, mesmerizing art.

Adra tells us, “I have a deep sentimentality towards 60’s photography”.  Her artwork combines the past with the future. A display of modernized and contemporary context of current events, using nostalgic images and storytelling.

“My work is a recollection of memories, both personal or collective.  A juxtaposition of photographs that express my relationship with home and explore my childhood, as well my constant search for identity, being brought up in a country of constant turmoil and conflict”.

Adra continues to use her art to address issues related to nationality, culture, and social and political change in the Middle East and more specifically, Lebanon.

Art, to her, is a form of therapy and expression. She creates in order to feel. To Adra, art is a source through which she is able to channel her emotions, mold them into something constructive; something she can build on.

Adra admits, “my main goal is to move people, to evoke conversations about things that really matter. Not just targeting the beautiful, but the real and sometimes not so glorious”.

Make sure to find her on her Instagram!

Modern East TV

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