Stay At Home Tips: Reasons to Avoid Junk Food

We are all going through a roller-coaster of emotions right now, and I am taking each day as it comes, because every day feels different, and things keep changing from day to day and week to week. We need to focus on our health, now more than ever, and this includes both mental and physical health – and nutrition is an important factor. I am not saying you should be super strict with your diet and avoid junk food completely, because we all seek comfort in a delicious dessert, or something indulgent from time to time, but all in moderation, right?

The reason we want to eat healthily and focus on specific food groups, is because this will impact how we feel overall, so even if those gummy bears give you a quick sugar fix (they are my ultimate weakness), they can also lead to a heavy sugar crash later on, which messes with our moods, which we know are already all over the place right now.

We want to target our happy hormones where possible, and food can be a great way to create a natural lift in our moods. Dopamine is a naturally occurring chemical in the body, and when heightened, helps to keep us motivated and keep us moving. When dopamine levels fall, we often feel low and lose ourselves in procrastination. Foods that are believed to boost dopamine levels include: dairy – cheese, milk, and yoghurt; eggs; fruit and vegetables; nuts – particularly walnuts and almonds; omega-3 rich fish, including salmon and mackerel; unprocessed meats – particularly chicken, turkey; and finally, dark chocolate. Yes, dark chocolate is on the list, and it makes the perfect sweet treat to curb those sugar cravings.

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