Health Benefits of Pet Ownership

As any animal lover can tell you, there are a lot of benefits to pet ownership. How about always having someone happy to have you home for starters? Whether you’re a dog person, a cat person, or are more into birds or other four-legged friends, the verdict is in. Pets are the best. According to science, it is actually good for your health to own a pet. If you’ve been considering getting one, our list might just give you another reason to. If you already have one, read on to discover what health benefits you’re already enjoying due to your pet ownership.

Pets Lower Stress

Alright, so pet ownership is a little stressful when your dog eats your favorite pair of shoes. Or when your cat decides that your blinds are a portal to the underworld and must be destroyed before all of hell’s demons break loose. But, overall, many studies have proven that pets, and being around animals, greatly reduces stress. Cortisol, which is a stress hormone, takes a massive dive in levels when you’re with your pet. Because of this, some initiatives have been taken to help service men and women with PTSD get pets. Emotional support animals are also a growing trend for those who suffer from extreme anxiety. Furthermore, some work places have started to allow employees to bring pets to work.

Pets Make You Happier

Just as pet ownership can lower stress, it can also alleviate depression and lift your mood. No matter how bad your day, it’s hard to stay down when a pet greets you at home. Studies have shown that animal assisted therapy is very helpful for treating clinical depression. Having a pet also helps keep you active. Further research has shown that even when owners have withdrawn from family members or friends during a dark period of their life, pets remain a comfort and a trusted companion. They also make us feel less lonely.

Pets Lower Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack, and Decrease Blood Pressure

While pets in general can help keep these issues at bay, cats are especially beneficial to own when it comes to both heart attack and stroke. Cat owners are 40% less likely to experience a stroke or a similar cardiovascular incident. Additionally, they’re also 30% less apt to suffer a heart attack. A 20 year study came up with this conclusion. It included people who had never owned a cat, and people who had owned one at least once in their life. The jury is still out whether cat people are just naturally less stressed, or if there’s more to it. But, don’t despair dog owners, dogs do wonders for lowering blood pressure. They have also been known to be able to “sniff out” cancer before a person was even aware they had it.

Pets Help Us Get Our Exercise

Alright, maybe not all pets. But dogs especially. Dog owners were actually shown to get around a half an hour more exercise per week than non dog owners. If you have trouble getting motivated to get a walk or run in each day, just look to good ol’ rover. Usually the word “walk” alone is enough to get a dog into an excited frenzy.

If You’re Shy, Or Introverted, Pets Can Help You Socialize More

Walking your pet, or taking it to a pet park, or even a pet spa can help you interact with other people more. Some people might just stop you to admire your pet or inquire about them. Other pet owners might engage you in conversation, and compare cute pet anecdotes or funny stories. A Canadian study done back in 1999 even concluded that pet owners were more social than non pet owners. Another study found that people generally found neighborhoods more “friendly” where people could be seen taking their pets for walks.

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