Get the look : Minimalist Entryway

Entryway: It’s that short room at the start of the house that often gets overlooked.

An entryway can say a lot about a home, think of it as a first impression: it matters!

A wonderful way of decorating an entryway is to keep it clean and minimal – please please please don’t use a space to hang your coats and leave your shoes!

Minimalist Entryway - The Modern East

Keep in mind that less is more. Minimalist entryway will help you get out of the door in the morning, and won’t overwhelm you with chaos upon your return.

I love this entryway, clean, neat but cozy at the same time.

This space has everything you need to keep an entryway organized, and nothing more.

Minimalist Entryway - The Modern East

Photo Credit // Costal Minimalist Decor

Start by leave your walls bare, except for a mirror.

The mirror

This is an important item in a small space. Nothing opens up a space quite like a mirror. It will help make your entryway look much bigger than it is. A round mirror will stand out and contrast nicely with block shaped items.

Minimalist Entryway - The Modern East

Shop it at the bowery company for AED 1290.

The console

A clean-lined console table holding a few decor items and serving as a place to drop your spare change or keys. This console initially serves as a plant box, which is super practical to hide anything you don’t particularly want visible. Make your home by your own minimalist entryway.

Minimalist Entryway - The Modern East

Shop it at the bowery company for AED 990.

The stool

Get it in the same material and color as the console to keep it consistent and get this minimalist entryway effect.

For the cozy touch add some of these elements:

  • some green – whether it’s a living plant or an artificial one, a green plant will bring a lot of life to the space a small plant on the will do.
  • a blanket throw for texture. It is often seen as a comfort object and will make the space look very warm and inviting. You can get creative with color, pattern and style that reflects your personality the most.
  • You could always add a decorative element or two, (not too big) that will add to make the space feel like yours – think candles, scent diffuser, books etc…

Minimalist Entryway - The Modern East

Shop it at the bowery company for AED 1950.

Remember, all the elements in your house should reflect a piece of your personality, but don’t overdo it!

After a tiring day at work, there is no better place than your home to shed your stress and relax. So, it is important that it is a comfortable, calming and happy place.

This minimalistic entryway feels personal and neat, a great sight when you step into your home.

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