Dubai’s Japanese Bakeries

What’s not to love about Dubai’s Japanese bakeries? They give us a little glimpse of the crazy, fantastically delicious world that is Japan. Bright and filled with funny (edible) faces that make you smile, these bakeries are totally gram-worthy.

Here are 5 reasons you need to check out Japanese Bakeries in Dubai NOW:

1. Weird Tastes Good

From panda bread to Hello Kitty buns and black googly-eyed burgers, Japanese bakeries have fun bites that look and taste good too! It might take a minute to wrap your head around all the options and fillings, but with a lot of them being deep fried and/or stuffed with sugar, the odds will always be in your favor.

2. Savory Donuts

Mega, breaded, deep fried donuts filled with curried meat and mac & cheese. When I die, let it be with one of each in both hands, thanks.

3. It’s So Fluffy

They have the fluffiest Japanese cheesecake in original and special flavors like matcha, and it’s amazing. You’ll definitely be telling all your friends… and no mom, you can’t make the same thing at home.

4. Cube Croissants are a Thing

They are, and they’re perfectly flaky with delicious fillings. Yes, they’re also awkward to eat with a human mouth, but nothing in this life comes for free.

5. Picky Eaters, Welcome

Don’t worry, not everything is deep fried and/or glazed (sigh). Your annoyingly picky friend will be just fine with all the safe options available. If that’s not enough, maybe it’s time to reevaluate your friend list 🙂

Sold? Here’s our it-list of Japanese Bakeries in Dubai:


Yamanote Atelier

Atisuto Japanese Restaurant & Bakery

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