Great Indoor Plants To Brighten Your Space

Having a plant in a room is a great way to instantly spruce up a space that might be lacking a little something. But, besides being merely aesthetically pleasing, plants in the home actually come with some serious benefits! Their presence can help sharpen focus, relieve stress, help you breathe easier, cancel out white noise, and according to NASA, remove harmful toxins from the air found in things like paint, man-made fibres, and cigarette smoke. Studies done by Kansas State and the Dutch also show that patients in hospital rooms with plants recovered more quickly, and workers in offices with plants got sick less, worked more efficiently, and reported lower fatigue. With all these plant superpowers, it’s time to rush out and get a little green for your home or workspace!

Great Indoor Plants For Your Home - The Modern East

Peace Lily

When NASA first started its study, it was trying to figure out what would help the air quality in the space shuttles. What they found was that this gorgeous plant improved air quality by a whopping 60%!  It has also been found to help people with allergies to breathe easier and remove mould from homes by eating the spores. This is a great plant for beginners as well as it is pretty low maintenance, only requiring watering about once a week and doing well with light sun. It’s also an inexpensive plant, with small specimens available online for as little as 40 AED.

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Quite often, the language of plant care suggests a simplistic symptom/remedy style of care – if yellowed leaves, then overwatering; if browned tips, raise the humidity or let your water sit for 24 hours to let the chlorine dissipate. This not only causes panic and promotes a poor mental model of how plants work, it doesn't leave room for natural processes like leaf turnover and blemishes from hard work – older leaves WILL yellow and die as new ones grow; tips WILL eventually become brown. You are a plant parent! You're not baking a cake or maintaining a piece of furniture. – 1️⃣ This is my peace lily, which is coming up to 5 years living with me. It started in a 6" pot and moved up to 8" and now, a 12" pot. It looks pretty much "perfect" but just a few minutes ago… 2️⃣ 3️⃣ The plant had several yellowed leaves. Conventional wisdom would say this is a sign of "overwatering" but clearly, the plant would not be alive for 5 years if I consistently watered when the soil was already moist. 4️⃣ And a closer look will show that pretty much ALL the older leaves have browned tips (left to right – oldest to newest). Since I know my plant is growing well, I know that leaf turnover and older leaves browing at the tips are just realities of peace lily ownership. – The most satisfied plant parents are those who appreciate how plants grow as opposed to just how they look now. ~ ~ #peacelily #spathiphyllum #houseplantclub #houseplants #wisdom #plants #plantas #plantgoals #iloveplants #gardening #botanical #greenthumb #plantlife #chasinglight #plantlove #plantlover #horticulture #houseplantjournal #urbanjunglebloggers #plantstyling #indoorplants

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Spider Plants

If you have the safety of pets to consider, spider plants are a terrific option. If you’ve got a curious kitty or an energetic pup you are worried about nibbling on a leaf or two, a spider plant will leave your precious pet unscathed. These plants are also proven to be amazing air purifiers with a 95% removal rate within a few days. It scored especially well with removing formaldehyde, which can be found in cigarettes. This is also a very inexpensive and hardy plant, so it’s great for beginners just discovering their green thumb.



These dazzlingly beautiful flowers are easier to care for than you might think. They also do incredibly well in bathrooms as they adore the humidity! Because they also don’t love direct sunlight and can thrive even in artificial light or very minimal sunlight, placing one beside your tub or on your bathroom vanity is a perfect spot. With so many gorgeous variations to choose from, an orchid is sure to bring some instant pop and warmth to any room.



Aloe’s ability to help ease burns, bug bites, and cuts and scrapes is a great reason to have a plant on hand in your home. It’s also very low maintenance and does well in low light as long as it is enjoying a consistent temperature, making it an ideal plant for urban and apartment living. This affordable plant also comes in several sizes and types, making it easy to find an option to fit within your home or even as a desk buddy at work that won’t take up too much space. 


Areca Palm

If you’re looking for something a bit more sizable, this plant is a perfect option. It is another of the heavy hitters when it comes to improving air quality and it does fantastically in indirect light. These plants grow fairly quickly and will need re-potting as they grow to accommodate their root systems. Areca palms “sweat” water from their leaves, making them perfect to add a little moisture to the air in the room.


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